wildcats3333 Profile



User Details

Member Since : Oct, 2015
# of jokes posted : 50
# of followers : 25
# of following: 18
Location: United States
won: $ 169.00
0 votes

4 baseball fans want to show their teams that they're each the biggest fans in the world, so they decide to climb the biggest mountain they can find.

The first one to the top is a Braves fan, and he says, "I'm the biggest fan in the world! This is for you Braves!" and he jumps off.

The second one to the top is a Mets fan and he says, "I love you more than anything Mets, this is for you!" and he jumps off.

The last 2 people who get to the top get there at the same time. One is a Red Sox fan and one is a Yankee fan. When they're both standing at the top together, the Red Sox fan says, "This one is for all baseball fans everywhere!"

And the Red Sox fan pushes the Yankee fan off.

0 votes

CATEGORY Sport Jokes
posted by "wildcats3333" |
0 votes

After being away on business, Tim thought it would be nice to bring his wife a little gift. “How about some perfume?” he asked the cosmetics clerk. She showed him a $50.00 bottle.

“That’s a bit much,” said Tim, so she returned with a smaller bottle for $30.00. “That’s still quite a bit,” Tim complained.

Growing annoyed, the clerk brought out a tiny $15.00 bottle. “What I mean,” said Tim, “is I’d like to see something really cheap.”

The clerk handed him a mirror.

0 votes

posted by "wildcats3333" |
2 votes

I never wanted to believe that my Dad was stealing from his job as a road worker. But when I got home, all the signs were there.

2 votes

posted by "wildcats3333" |
$8.00 won 7 votes

There are three men in the military practicing skydiving. The first man jumps out and a swiss army knife falls out of his pocket. The second man jumps out and a kitchen knife falls out of his pocket. The third jumps out and a grenade falls out of his pocket. When they land, they go and look for the things they drop because they could have really hurt someone.

The first man is running along the street and sees a little boy crying. "Little boy, why are you crying?" he asks. The boy says, "A swiss army knife fell out of the sky and killed my cat!"

The second man is running along a street and sees a little girl crying. "Little girl, why are you crying?" he asks. The girl says, "A big kitchen knife fell from the sky and killed my puppy!"

The third man is running down a street and sees a little boy laughing hysterically. "Little boy, why are you laughing?" he asks. The boy says, "My dad farted and the house blew up!"

7 votes

CATEGORY Family Jokes
posted by "wildcats3333" |