merk Profile



User Details

Member Since : Nov, 2015
# of jokes posted : 2681
# of followers : 5
# of following: 2
Location: United States
won: $ 2512.00
1 votes

Because an increasing number of people are having heart attacks while gambling, the big, high-class casinos are now equipped with sophisticated defibrillators.

They are computer-controlled to deliver the exact electric shock needed to revive a heart attack victim.

At the cheaper casinos, they just drag you across the carpet and touch your finger to the doorknob.

1 votes

posted by "merk" |
$10.00 won 2 votes

You Know You're A Mom When...

1. You automatically double-knot everything you tie.

2. You hear a baby cry in the grocery store, and you start to gently sway back and forth, back and forth. However, your children are at school.

3. You actually start to like the smell of strained carrots mixed with applesauce.

4. You get so into crafts you contemplate writing a book called 101 Fun Crafts to do with Dryer Lint and Eggshells.

5. You are out for a nice romantic meal with your husband, enjoying some real adult conversation, when suddenly you realize that you've reached over and started to cut up his steak.

2 votes

CATEGORY Family Jokes
posted by "merk" |
1 votes

A woman went to a computer dating service and said she didn't care about looks, income or background.

All she wanted was a man of upright character.

Then a man came in and told them the only thing he was seeking in a woman was intelligence.

The service matched them together at once because they had one thing in common - they were both compulsive liars!

1 votes

posted by "merk" |
2 votes

A golf club walks into a local bar and asks the barman for a pint of beer.

The barman refuses to serve him.

"Why not?" asks the golf club.

"You'll be driving later," replies the bartender.

2 votes

posted by "merk" |