merk Profile



User Details

Member Since : Nov, 2015
# of jokes posted : 2681
# of followers : 5
# of following: 2
Location: United States
won: $ 2512.00
2 votes

Fellow 1: "Now my grandfather, he knew the exact day of the year that he was going to die. It was the right year too. Not only that, but he knew what time he would die that day, and he was right about that, too."

Fellow 2: "Wow, that's Incredible. How did he know all of that?"

Fellow 1: "A judge told him."

2 votes

posted by "merk" |
2 votes

It's Never Too Late For Love...

FOXY LADY: Sexy, fashion-conscious blue-haired beauty, 80's, slim,5'-4" (used to be 5-6), searching for sharp-looking, sharp-dressing companion. Matching white shoes and belt a plus.

MINT CONDITION: Male, 1932, high mileage, good condition, some hair, many new parts including hip, knee, cornea, valves. Isn't in running condition, but walks well.

LONG-TERM COMMITMENT: Recent widow who has just buried fourth husband looking for someone to round out a six- unit plot. Dizziness, fainting, shortness of breath not a problem.

SERENITY NOW: I am into solitude, long walks, sunrises, the ocean, yoga and meditation. If you are the silent type, let's get together, take our hearing aids out and enjoy quiet times.

WINNING SMILE: Active grandmother with original teeth seeking a dedicated flossier to share rare steaks, corn on the cob and caramel candy.

2 votes

posted by "merk" |
1 votes

What’s the difference between a mirror and a chatterbox?
One reflects without talking, the other talks without reflecting.

What’s the difference between a 16 ounces and a pianist?
One weighs a pound, the other pounds away.

What’s the difference between a simple person and a pizza?
One is easy to cheat, the other is cheesy to eat.

1 votes

posted by "merk" |
1 votes

I was working in the sun all day, putting finishing touches on the new deck outside my house. My sister pulled into the driveway, greeted me, and looked over my work.

"Wow," she gushed, "you're an expert."

Feeling complimented and satisfied, but trying not to seem egotistical, I responded... "Once you get going, it's pretty easy!"

She looked puzzled and wondering if I'd misunderstood her I asked, "What did you just say?"

She replied, "I said your neck's burnt!"

1 votes

posted by "merk" |