Marty Profile



User Details

Member Since : Nov, 2015
# of jokes posted : 628
# of followers : 17
# of following: 17
Location: United States
won: $ 580.00
4 votes

(Husband to wife) If I could write a check for a million dollars, I could afford to be eccentric.

(Wife) Keep working at it honey, at this point in time you can only afford to be delusional.

4 votes

CATEGORY Family Jokes
posted by "Marty" |
4 votes

A man goes into a patent office. He tells the clerk that he’s invented a baseball bat that dings when you hit the ball.

The clerk yells into the back room, "Hey Frank, it’s your turn, we have another 'ding bat'!"

4 votes

posted by "Marty" |
4 votes

I found an ugly creature dead in my son's bedroom. My son said it was an alien brain sucker.

Apparently it starved to death.

4 votes

CATEGORY Scifi Jokes
posted by "Marty" |
4 votes

A guy asked his lawyer, "If I pay off crooks, is it illegal?"

The lawyer replies, "Yes, you'd be involved in a conspiracy."

"Good," said the man, been looking for a way to avoid paying my taxes!

4 votes

posted by "Marty" |