Marty Profile



User Details

Member Since : Nov, 2015
# of jokes posted : 628
# of followers : 17
# of following: 17
Location: United States
won: $ 580.00
$9.00 won 1 votes

Billy: When I grow up I want to explore deep into the Amazon Jungle where no one has ever gone before and I want you to go with me.

Bobby: That sounds scary; you wouldn’t put me in harm's way, right?

Billy: Of course not, I love you like a brother Fredo, I mean Bobby.

1 votes

posted by "Marty" |
$6.00 won 1 votes

There I was on a game show, and with just one more right answer I'll make a million dollars! But if I get it wrong I only get ten grand.

It was a pop culture question about a television stage name so I decided to go for it. After the game show host asked me the question I drew a blank. I thought to myself well, ten grand is better than nothing. So for my final answer I said, "It's all good man."

Suddenly confetti fell as the host announced, "You've won a million dollar, the answer is in fact Saul Goodman!"

1 votes

posted by "Marty" |
$12.00 won 1 votes

Every year I like to hide a dozen Easter Eggs in the house for the grand children.

This year my wife said "No Way" until I find the two unaccounted for eggs from last year.

1 votes

CATEGORY Holiday Jokes
posted by "Marty" |
1 votes

I don't understand why my business isn't getting off the ground!?!

Big Falls Mountain Climbing Guide Service.
411 Slippery Slope Place, Raven Heights.
Ph. 1-555-00000PS

If you don’t have reservations by now
you will after you review the package
details and read the 30 page waiver.

Free Brochure PO Box 13
Lic# 0H-ICU8-IT-2
Insured by Lloyds of Larryville

1 votes

CATEGORY Business Jokes
posted by "Marty" |