srg Profile



User Details

Member Since : Nov, 2016
# of jokes posted : 51
# of followers : 1
# of following: 0
Location: United States
won: $ 493.00
$10.00 won 5 votes

On a Saturday afternoon when football fever was running high in South Bend, Indiana, a Notre Dame student was brought into the hospital where I was on duty as a nurse.

He had acute appendicitis, and as I prepared him for surgery I asked if he wasn’t terribly disappointed to miss the big game.

"Oh, I won’t miss it," he said. "Doc is giving me a spinal anesthetic so I can listen to it during the operation!"

5 votes

CATEGORY Sport Jokes
posted by "srg" |
$8.00 won 6 votes

Standing on the sidelines, during a game being played by my school’s football team, I saw one of the players take a hard hit. He tumbled to the ground and didn’t move.

We grabbed our first-aid gear and rushed out onto the field. The coach picked up the young man’s hand and urged, "Son, can you hear me? Squeeze once for yes and twice for no."

6 votes

CATEGORY Sport Jokes
posted by "srg" |
$9.00 won 4 votes

The chef of the upscale restaurant I manage collided with a waiter one day and spilled coffee all over our computer. The liquid poured into the processing unit, and resulted in some dramatic crackling and popping sounds.

After sopping up the mess, we gathered around the terminal as the computer was turned back on. "Please let it work," pleaded the guilt-ridden waiter.

A waitress replied, "Should be faster than ever. That was a double espresso."

4 votes

CATEGORY Computer Jokes
posted by "srg" |
2 votes

"Guess what?" yelled my high schooler as he burst through the door. "I got a 100 on the Spanish quiz that I didn’t even know we were having."

"That’s great!" I said. "But why didn’t you know about the quiz?"

"Because our teacher told us about it in Spanish."

2 votes

CATEGORY School Jokes
posted by "srg" |