nerdasaurus Profile



User Details

Member Since : Dec, 2016
# of jokes posted : 1120
# of followers : 2
# of following: 0
Location: United States
won: $ 1780.00
$50.00 won 1 votes

My son was spending too much time playing computer games, so I said, "Son, when Abe Lincoln was your age, he was studying books by the light of the fireplace."

He considered this for a moment and replied, “When Abe Lincoln was your age he was The President of the United States.”

1 votes

CATEGORY National Jokes
posted by "nerdasaurus" |
0 votes

In Ancient Rome there were 4 types of poison.

Poison I, II and III would all kill you.

However Poison IV, would make you really itchy.

0 votes

posted by "nerdasaurus" |
1 votes

Tried to read the dictionary in bed last night.

Didn't finish it.

Got up to 'P'.

1 votes

posted by "nerdasaurus" |
$50.00 won 3 votes

Life is like a helicopter.

I don't know how to operate a helicopter.

3 votes

posted by "nerdasaurus" |