Joe Cirillo Profile


Joe Cirillo

User Details

Member Since : Feb, 2018
# of jokes posted : 46
# of followers : 0
# of following: 0
Location: United States
won: $ 12.00
0 votes

What do Baseball players like to eat most often for breakfast?

Pancakes... because they're made from a batter!

0 votes

CATEGORY Sport Jokes
posted by "Joe Cirillo" |
1 votes

Did you hear about the 2 hairdressers who got married?

They had the perfect family... two boys and one curl!

1 votes

CATEGORY Marriage Jokes
posted by "Joe Cirillo" |
1 votes

We all get heavier as we grow older because there's a lot more information in our heads. So, I am not heavy...

I am just really intelligent and my head couldn't hold anymore, so it started filling up the rest of me.

1 votes

CATEGORY Elderly Jokes
posted by "Joe Cirillo" |
$6.00 won 4 votes

The former President is disembarking his private plane, carrying his tiny dog.

One of his Secret Service men says, "Nice dog, sir."

The President says, "Thanks, I got it for the former First Lady."

The Secret Service man replies, "Nice trade, sir."

4 votes

posted by "Joe Cirillo" |