Anonymous Profile



User Details

Member Since : Jan, 2000
# of jokes posted : 3645
# of followers : 2
# of following: 0
Location: United States
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0 votes

The hottest cars travel faster than sound. You’ll be in the hospital before you even start the motor.

0 votes

posted by "Anonymous" |
0 votes

Tim asked Bob “What happened to your uncle’s boat?”
“Ever notice that big rock at the entrance to the Golden Gate?” said Bob.
“Yes, I have” replied Tim.
“Well, he didn’t” said Bob.

0 votes

CATEGORY Sport Jokes
posted by "Anonymous" |
0 votes

The drunk walking along the country road saw the duck hunter lying in the brush with the gun poised toward the direction of the high-flying flock in the distance. “Shay, mishter,” advised the drunk. “Don’t waisht a shot. The fall’ll kill’em

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CATEGORY Sport Jokes
posted by "Anonymous" |
0 votes

The boozer took careful aim at the bird, but hit a frog. He picked it up, studied it, scratched his head and said, “Well, anyhow I knocked its feathers off.”

0 votes

CATEGORY Sport Jokes
posted by "Anonymous" |