Anonymous Profile



User Details

Member Since : Jan, 2000
# of jokes posted : 3645
# of followers : 2
# of following: 0
Location: United States
won: 0
0 votes

It was dinner time on a British Airways flight from London to New York. As the flight attendant moved down the plane, she asked one of the passengers: “Would you like dinner?” “What are my choices?” asked the passenger. “Yes or No,” replied the attendant

0 votes

CATEGORY Airplane Jokes
posted by "Anonymous" |
0 votes

An airplane encountered some turbulence, it started juddering and rocking noticeably from side to side. The flight crew wheeled out the drinks cart to keep the passengers calm. The attendant asked a business man “Would you like a drink? “Why not?” he replied unkindly “I’ll have whatever the pilot’s been having.

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CATEGORY Airplane Jokes
posted by "Anonymous" |
0 votes

A guy called a budget airline to book a flight. The operator asked: “How many people area traveling? “How should I know?” said the man. “It’s your plane!”

0 votes

CATEGORY Airplane Jokes
posted by "Anonymous" |
0 votes

A guy called a budget airline to book a flight. The operator asked: “How many people area traveling? “How should I know?” said the man. “It’s your plane!”

0 votes

CATEGORY Airplane Jokes
posted by "Anonymous" |