computer jokes

Category: "Computer Jokes"
$10.00 won 6 votes

I’m employed at a computer security company and have a colleague whose name is M. Alware. His e-mail address is

My ex-boss’s name is R. Stone. His e-mail was

My name is James Pan. Every other permutation of my name was taken (e.g., jpan, jamesp), so I’m stuck with

6 votes

CATEGORY Computer Jokes
posted by "srg" |
1 votes

In the high school computer class the teacher asked, "So what is malware?"

From the back of the room Donna stood up and replied, "Briefs and Boxers!"

1 votes

CATEGORY Computer Jokes
posted by "Jim Shaw" |
$9.00 won 9 votes

I was in a couple’s home trying to fix their Internet connection. The husband called out to his wife in the other room for the computer password. “Start with a capital S, then 123,” she shouted back.

We tried S123 several times, but it didn’t work. So we called the wife in. As she input the password, she muttered, “I really don’t know what’s so difficult about typing Start123.”

9 votes

CATEGORY Computer Jokes
posted by "srg" |
1 votes

I used to work in a superstore. One day a sparrow flew in and perched itself by the ceiling. Management wondered how to catch it.

I suggested that we keep a computer terminal unoccupied.

"You can catch it when it stops by to tweet."

1 votes