scifi jokes

Category: "Scifi Jokes"
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A skeleton walks down empty Main Street. Suddenly he sees another skeleton carrying a gravestone. "Hey, what are you doing?” the other skeleton answers "Just strolling", "Why do have the gravestone, buddy?", "Because I always want to have some ID”.

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CATEGORY Scifi Jokes
posted by "Anonymous" |
0 votes

How can this be? Scientists say the world began with a Big Bang 13 billion years ago. All mankind got hit on the back of the head, and now astronomers see stars Millions of Light years away.

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CATEGORY Scifi Jokes
posted by "Louis Matte" |
0 votes

Why do these 2 relationships differ so much: the orbital relationship between the earth and sun and that of a tether ball and it's pole?.......

.......that of the sun and earth is a no strings attatched relationship and the other is not!

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CATEGORY Scifi Jokes
posted by "Anonymous" |
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I heard this story in the late seventies. Just prior to a manned launch an insect was heard in the superstructure of the rocket. The risk analysis and decision had to be made to launch or to delay the launch and purge the insect. The risk was negligible so the rocket launch. The insect was dubbed the Gemini Cricket.

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CATEGORY Scifi Jokes
posted by "Anonymous" |