Best Jokes

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I heard this story in the late seventies. Just prior to a manned launch an insect was heard in the superstructure of the rocket. The risk analysis and decision had to be made to launch or to delay the launch and purge the insect. The risk was negligible so the rocket launch. The insect was dubbed the Gemini Cricket.

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CATEGORY Scifi Jokes
posted by "Anonymous" |
0 votes

At a party of professionals, a doctor was having difficulty socializing. Everyone wanted to describe their symptoms and get an opinion about diagnosis. The doctor turned to a lawyer acquaintance and asked, "How do you handle people who want advice outside of the office?"

"Simple," answered the lawyer, "I send them a bill. That stops it."

The next day, the doctor, still feeling a bit reserved about what he had just finished doing, opened his mailbox to send out the bills. Much to his surprise, there sat a bill from the lawyer.

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CATEGORY Lawyer Jokes
posted by "Anonymous" |
0 votes

What did the tired chess player do?
He took the knight off

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posted by "Anonymous" |
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Why did the football coach go to the bank?
To get his quarter back.

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CATEGORY Sport Jokes
posted by "mike1003" |