Best Jokes

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In the far distant future in the year 4527, a number of scientists from all over the universe were having a convention on a far distant galaxy. Two beings were seated next to one another when they struck up a conversation.
"Where are you from?" the one asked.
"I'm from Alpha Century," he answered. "Where are you from?"
"I'm from Earth" was the answer.
"I know someone from earth," the Alpha Centurion said. "John Smith. Do you know him?"

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CATEGORY Scifi Jokes
posted by "Harry Kuhles" |
0 votes

Two eggs, a sausage, and a pancake walk into a bar. The bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve breakfast."

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posted by "Duane Engel" |
0 votes

After struggling for many hours deep within the forest
of stately hardwoods, the new lumberjack finally quit. He just couldn't hack it.

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posted by "El Cass1002" |
0 votes

Q: What can you put your money into that is sure to go up?
A: Taxes

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posted by "El Cass1002" |