Latest Jokes

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Banta's son: Dad there is some one at the door to collect donations for a swimming pool.
Banta: Give him a glass of water.

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posted by "Santosh Bohara" |
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A painter accepted the task of painting a church steeple. He had 10 gallons of white paint. Half way down the steeple he had already used 6.5 gallons. He made sure no one was looking and then diluted the remaining paint with paint thinner.

He finished the job, cleaned his brush and rollers, and looked up to see that there were two distinct colors of white on the steeple.

"Oh, no!" he exclaimed, "What can I do now?"

A clap of thunder roared above him, and a booming voice was heard saying, "Repaint! And stop your thinning!"

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posted by "David E. Bruce" |
0 votes

“How did school go today? a mother asked her little boy. “Fine”, the little fellow replied. “We had a new teacher and she wanted to know if I had any brothers and I told her I was an only child”. What did she say?” his mother asked. “The teacher said, “Thank goodness”

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posted by "Anonymous" |
0 votes

“How did school go today? a mother asked her little boy. “Fine”, the little fellow replied. “We had a new teacher and she wanted to know if I had any brothers and I told her I was an only child”. What did she say?” his mother asked. “The teacher said, “Thank goodness”

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posted by "Anonymous" |