Latest Jokes

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Q: How come legacy programmers get Halloween and Christmas confused?

A: Because Oct 31 = Dec 25 (Octal 31 = Decimal 25)

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posted by "Curtis Aikens" |
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A doctor and a dentist fell in love with a same girl. One day, the dentist had to go abroad for one week to fulfill his work, so he gave the girl seven apples and asked her to eat one apple everyday.
Know why? An apple a day keeps the doctor away!

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CATEGORY Doctor Jokes
posted by "Mandy" |
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Q: Why did the farmer get a Nobel Prize?

A: He was out-standing in his field!

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posted by "Anonymous" |
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A duck walks into a job center and says to the man behind the desk 'Excuse me; I'm looking for a job. Can you help?'
The man can't believe it and replies 'hold on minute sir, I'll make some enquiries for you'....the man then phones up a showbiz agency and explains that there's this amazing talking duck wanting a job and could the agent find him work in a show somewhere. Obviously the agent is excited and has no problem in finding a show for the duck.

The man goes back to the duck and says 'Good news sir, I've found you job in show business'

With this the duck replies 'That’s no good, I'm a plumber'

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posted by "Rob H" |