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Old Saying. . . .
My husband, being an astute shopper, as well as an employee at a large local hardware store, keeps an eye on all the closeouts and sales where he works. One evening he came in the door as usual, we exchanged our usual 'glad to see you' affection, then I noticed that 'I've got a surprise for you' look on his face. He held up two large sacks filled with items. In the two sacks were eight candleholders for 25 cents apiece, because he knows I love candles. The other sack contained ten bottles of window cleaner, which closed out for 50 cents each. I loved the gifts, but was overwhelmed with the quantity so I asked, "Honey! What did you do? Buy everything but the kitchen sink?" He grinned in his impish way and motioned for me to follow him. He is so good at that impishness I never know just what will occur next. Full of curiosity and love for my interesting husband, I followed him out to the car. He slowly opened the truck and low and behold! There was the kitchen sink! He grinned at me again and told me he couldn't leave such an expensive sink there when it cost next to nothing! I guess I'll have to find a different 'old saying' in the vernacular when it comes to my husband!

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CATEGORY Marriage Jokes
posted by "Kathy Barton1002" |
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Q: Why did the Mummy go to the bathroom?
A: To wrap itself in toilet paper!

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Overheard: Bill Gates talking with one of his financial advisor's...
Bill says, "You did what with my 150 million dollars? I said Snapple, not Apple!"

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posted by "Matt1002" |
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Q: What has dual airbags and has lots of room?
A: The White House.

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posted by "Steve Barlow" |