Harry Finkelstein Profile


Harry Finkelstein

User Details

Member Since : Jan, 2017
# of jokes posted : 4232
# of followers : 12
# of following: 0
Location: United States
won: $ 1206.00
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A sheriff walks into a saloon and shouts for everyone’s attention, “Has anyone seen Brown Paper Jake?!?!”

“What does he look like?” asks a cowboy.

“Well,” replies the Sheriff, “he wears a brown paper hat, a brown paper vest, a brown paper shirt, brown paper boots, brown paper pants, and a brown paper jacket.”

“So, what is he wanted for?” asks another cowboy.

“Rustlin!” replies the Sheriff.

0 votes

posted by "Harry Finkelstein" |
1 votes

Heard at an optometrist's convention... "The Eyes have it."

1 votes

posted by "Harry Finkelstein" |
1 votes

Did you hear about the guy who was wanted by a bank?

He was in debt with them, so he was wanted, "Debtor Alive"!

1 votes

posted by "Harry Finkelstein" |
1 votes

Did you hear about the guy who survived being struck by lightning?

He was shocked!

1 votes

posted by "Harry Finkelstein" |