Anonymous Profile



User Details

Member Since : Jan, 2000
# of jokes posted : 3645
# of followers : 2
# of following: 0
Location: United States
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0 votes

A man, a woman and an Antartican were driving in the desert in a jeep when the car suddenly broke down. Since none of them had any car knowledge, they decided to walk.
Each of them decided to take one thing with them: the man took the food in case he got hungry, the woman took the water in case she got thirsty, and the Antartican took the car door.
When questioned about her choice, the Antartican said, "Well, if I get hot, I can roll down the window!"

0 votes

posted by "Anonymous" |
0 votes

A man, a woman and an Antartican were driving in the desert in a jeep when the car suddenly broke down. Since none of them had any car knowledge, they decided to walk.
Each of them decided to take one thing with them: the man took the food in case he got hungry, the woman took the water in case she got thirsty, and the Antartican took the car door.
When questioned about her choice, the Antartican said, "Well, if I get hot, I can roll down the window!"

0 votes

posted by "Anonymous" |
0 votes

A man goes into a pub, takes a seat at the bar, and orders five shots. The bartender gives him an odd look since he’s all by himself, but he serves up the five shots and lines them up on the bar. The man downs them all quickly. He finishes the last one and calls out, "Four shots, please!" The bartender serves up four shots and lines them on the bar. The man downs them all. Then he belches loudly, sways slightly on the stool, and orders three. And one after the other, he knocks them back. "Two shots!" he calls, and the bartender places two shots in front of him. Down they go. As the man slams the last one down on the bar, he says, "One shot bartender." So the bartender fills the glass. The man sits there, staring at it for a moment, trying to focus. Then he looks at the barman and says, "You know, it's a funny thing, but the less I drink, the drunker I get."

0 votes

posted by "Anonymous" |
0 votes

A man goes into a pub, takes a seat at the bar, and orders five shots. The bartender gives him an odd look since he’s all by himself, but he serves up the five shots and lines them up on the bar. The man downs them all quickly. He finishes the last one and calls out, "Four shots, please!" The bartender serves up four shots and lines them on the bar. The man downs them all. Then he belches loudly, sways slightly on the stool, and orders three. And one after the other, he knocks them back. "Two shots!" he calls, and the bartender places two shots in front of him. Down they go. As the man slams the last one down on the bar, he says, "One shot bartender." So the bartender fills the glass. The man sits there, staring at it for a moment, trying to focus. Then he looks at the barman and says, "You know, it's a funny thing, but the less I drink, the drunker I get."

0 votes

posted by "Anonymous" |