lawyer jokes

Category: "Lawyer Jokes"
0 votes

Why are lawyers liable to go to hell?

They are so full of lies it makes the devil blush.

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CATEGORY Lawyer Jokes
posted by "Armslem" |
0 votes

What is the favorite pastime for Retired Lawyers?

Ambulance chasing!

----- Old Habits Die Hard-----

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CATEGORY Lawyer Jokes
posted by "Richard Rokita" |
3 votes

A juvenile court was prosecuting a teen suspected of burglary. The judge asked everyone to stand and state his or her name and role for the court reporter.

"Leah Rauch, deputy prosecutor."

"Linda Jones, probation officer."

"Sam Clark, public defender."

"John," said the teen who was on trial. "I’m the one who stole the truck."

3 votes

CATEGORY Lawyer Jokes
posted by "Leogal" |
0 votes

A corporate executive received a monthly bill from the law firm that was handling a big case for his company. It included hourly billing for conferences, research, phone calls, fax, photocopying, and everything but lunch hours.

Unhappy as he was, the executive knew that the company would have to pay for each of these services.

Then he noticed one item buried in the middle of the list:

"For crossing the street to talk to you, then discovering it wasn't you at all - $125."

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CATEGORY Lawyer Jokes
posted by "HENNE" |