Best Jokes

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Two bumpkin chicks in the hen house are discussing about the bad feed they eat.
This shorter one is just listening, not answering to the talkative one. All of a sudden he stops and says: I have decided to go to College on a night course.
Why is that, why such an urgent matter?
My relatives, all of my folks, and my friends are been humiliated, they are all fed up with this lousy feed, but worse of all, to be called bumpkin and hick all the time, you silly. I will become an attorney and won’t be humiliated anymore.

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CATEGORY Animal Jokes
posted by "John Teixeira" |
0 votes

Q. If a peacock lays 123 eggs a day how many eggs will there be in 456 days?

A. Peacocks don't lay eggs peahens do

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posted by "Lucy Dreyer" |
0 votes

I'm so old that when I joined the AAA, it was a single A !

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posted by "John Dearness" |
0 votes

Twelve places you won't find a Facebook logo on the window:

1) The city morgue
2) A gynecologist
3) A proctologist
4) A urologist
5) A tow truck company
6) The coliseum in 50 A.D.
7) A self esteem weekly group meeting.
8) A collection agency
9) A marriage counselor
10) A funeral home
11) Alcoholics Anonymous
12) The IRS

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posted by "John Geleziunas" |