Latest Jokes

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At a party of professionals, a doctor was having difficulty socializing. Everyone wanted to describe their symptoms and get an opinion about diagnosis. The doctor turned to a lawyer acquaintance and asked, "How do you handle people who want advice outside of the office?"

"Simple," answered the lawyer, "I send them a bill. That stops it."

The next day, the doctor, still feeling a bit reserved about what he had just finished doing, opened his mailbox to send out the bills. Much to his surprise, there sat a bill from the lawyer.

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CATEGORY Lawyer Jokes
posted by "Anonymous" |
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What did the tired chess player do?
He took the knight off

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posted by "Anonymous" |
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Why did the football coach go to the bank?
To get his quarter back.

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CATEGORY Sport Jokes
posted by "mike1003" |
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At school one morning the teacher asked little Johnny what he had for breakfast. Little Johnny said, well, on my way to school I come cross this Apple tree, so I climbed up there and started eating apples. I guess I eat about six, said little Johnny. No, said the teacher, it’s ate! Little Johnny said well it could've been eight I don't remember.

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posted by "Michael1003" |