Latest Jokes

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A mother says to her small son who is being mean as usual, “How do you expect to ever get into Heaven?” To this her son replies" I figure I'll just run in and out the pearly gates until St. Peter says either stay in or out"!

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CATEGORY Family Jokes
posted by "Stephanie Lewis" |
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A man went to a bank and gave them $60,000 worth of bonds to hold for him. He then asked to take out a loan of 1$.

The next year he came back to the bank to get his bonds and the accountant asked him, "If you have all that money in bonds, why did you need to borrow 1$?"

The man replied, “Do you know any other way I can use a safety deposit box for only 7 cents a year?"

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CATEGORY Business Jokes
posted by "Jason Dunesbury" |
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Did you hear about the classical pianist who was not a good speller? When she went out to buy something she left a sign on her door that said: "Out Chopin. Be Bach in a minuet"

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posted by "Erica Dubow" |
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Customer: What does this fly at the bottom of my cup mean?
Waiter: It means that the fly does not know how to swim!

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posted by "Wazeem" |