Latest Jokes

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The economy is not going well and an unemployed engineer desperately needing work is nervous about an upcoming accountant job interview. The interview goes well, but as the engineer stands up to leave the manager says, "Oh just one more question. How much is four times eight?" Puzzled, the engineer responds that in all calculations, even simple ones like that, he never relies on his memory. He always uses a calculator with a paper printout, and double-checks his answer. "Fine", says the manager, but I just want you to tell me the answer anyway from memory without using your calculator. "Sure," says the engineer. "Four times eight is, uh, thirty-four." After saying goodbye and leaving the building, the engineer hurriedly pushes up four times eight into his calculator and curses when he sees the answer.

Nonetheless, he gets the job. Six months later, when he's doing well and feels confident enough, he walks up to his boss and asks him. "Sir, I'm curious. Why is it that out of all those engineering candidates, you hired me, when I gave you the wrong answer to four-times-eight?" His boss looks up and says, "Your answer was the closest."

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posted by "Anonymous" |
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Q: What did the first stoplight say to the second stoplight?

A: "Don’t look, I’m changing!"

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posted by "Anonymous" |
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Q. What did Snow white say when her photos didn't come back from the photo store?
A. "Some day my prints will come!"

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posted by "Anonymous" |
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Q: What do you call a woman that knows where her husband is 24/7?

A: A widow!

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posted by "Anonymous" |