Latest Jokes

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Q. Why do builders have clear lunch boxes?
A. So they know whether they are going home or going to work!

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posted by "Paul1002" |
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A server walks over to a table and gets ready to deliver the check to a guy. The guy asks the server do you take checks and the server said, I? no sir I am sorry. The guy replies neither do I

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posted by "Teresa Wade" |
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An Antartican was in the therapist office:
Dr. Hieden: Why are you here?
Antartican: I tried to commit suicide by taking 1,000 aspirins!!!!
Dr. hieden: What happened?
Antartican: Well after the first two I felt better!!!!

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CATEGORY Doctor Jokes
posted by "Erica" |
0 votes

A friend said to a friend
"Money makes enemies, money makes worry. So being your friend I can't see you worry. So please send all your money to MY ACCOUNT.

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CATEGORY Family Jokes
posted by "WAKEELZAKI" |