Moises Erives Profile


Moises Erives

User Details

Member Since : Sep, 2017
# of jokes posted : 2
# of followers : 0
# of following: 0
Location: United States
won: 0
0 votes

Me: "I'll have the french dip."

Waitress: "French Fries?"

Me: "No, I'll Have the FRENCH DIP."

Waitress: (nods) "French Fries?"

Me: "No, I want the french dip. It's a beef sandwich that come with au jous sauce that you can dip it in."

Waitress: "Yes, I know what a french dip is. But would you like french fries with that?"

Me: "Oh. Yes, thank you."

0 votes

posted by "Moises Erives" |
0 votes

Finally old enough to date, I awkwardly take my first girlfriend to a fancy restaurant where they don't have cheeseburgers or pizza on the menu.

Waitress: Soup or Salad?

Me: Sure, super salad sounds good!

Waitress: Sir, soup or salad?

Me: Yep, super salad sounds good.

Waitress, slightly annoyed: Would you like the soup.... or... the salad?

Me, embarrassed and red: I'll have the salad.

0 votes

posted by "Moises Erives" |