Denis Profile



User Details

Member Since : Mar, 2020
# of jokes posted : 13
# of followers : 0
# of following: 0
Location: United States
won: $ 10.00
$10.00 won 9 votes

My husband is wonderful with our baby daughter, but often turns to me for advice. Recently I was in the shower when he poked his head in to ask, "What should I feed Lily for lunch?"

"That's up to you," I replied. "There's all kinds of food. Why don't you pretend I'm not home?"

A few minutes later, my cell phone rang. I answered it to hear my husband saying, "Yeah, hi, honey. Uh…what should I feed Lily for lunch?"

9 votes

CATEGORY Family Jokes
posted by "Denis" |
2 votes

A woman was driving down the street and got stopped by a police officer.

"May I see your driver's license?" he said.

She looked at him with disgust.

"What's the matter with you guys? I wish you'd make up your minds. You took my license from me yesterday."

2 votes

CATEGORY Police Jokes
posted by "Denis" |
11 votes

After I warned the nurse taking blood that it would be very hard to find a vein on me, she said, "Don't worry. We've seen worse. Last year we had a girl come in to get a blood test for her marriage license and we had to stick her six times in four places before we got anything."

"Yes, I know," I said. "That was me!"

11 votes

posted by "Denis" |