Semiulingam Profile



User Details

Member Since : Oct, 2020
# of jokes posted : 13
# of followers : 0
# of following: 0
Location: Nigeria
won: 0
0 votes

I was introduced to a new guy at work. I said, "What’s your name?"


"Your parents named you pole?“


So I kept calling him Pole. At the end of the day another co-worker asked me, “Why are you calling him that?" So I explained why.

My co-worker just looked at me... "He’s from England. His name is Paul!

0 votes

posted by "Semiulingam" |
0 votes

My 8yo daughter met a girl at summer camp last year named "Internet."

I said no way, that can't be her name but my daughter has been adamant.

For almost a year we've been having this discussion.

ANTOINETTE. I just found out her name is Antoinette.

0 votes

posted by "Semiulingam" |
1 votes

How do you start a fairy tale in the modern era?

"If elected, I promise..."

1 votes

posted by "Semiulingam" |