Mr Funny Profile


Mr Funny

User Details

Member Since : Jun, 2024
# of jokes posted : 2
# of followers : 0
# of following: 0
Location: Nigeria
won: 0
0 votes

Customer: "I’m looking for something cheap but high quality."

Salesperson: "You’re in luck! This pen writes just like a $100 pen."

Customer: "How much is it?"

Salesperson: "$99.99."

0 votes

posted by "Mr Funny " |
0 votes

Salesperson: "This is your lucky day! We have a special offer: Buy one, get one free!"

Customer: "No thanks. I don't need two."

Salesperson: "Then give the free one to a friend!"

Customer: "I don't have any friends."

Salesperson: "Then make one with the free item!"

0 votes

posted by "Mr Funny " |