musician jokes

Category: "Musician Jokes"
$7.00 won 4 votes

What's the difference between a guitar and a fish?

You can't tuna fish! 

4 votes

CATEGORY Musician Jokes
posted by "raza" |
0 votes

Paddy was coming back from his holiday in America. As he came through Customs, he had two sacks over his shoulders. The Customs officer asked him what did he have in the sacks. Paddy replied Mobile phones.

The customs officer didn't believe him and asked to be shown. Paddy opened each sack and sure enough each contained quite a few phones. "What are you going to do with all these phones?" asked the officer.

"Oh, they are not for me. My friend, who is a musical director, knew I was going over to America. He asked me to bring him back a 'couple of saxaphones.'"

0 votes

CATEGORY Musician Jokes
posted by "Les Smedley" |
3 votes

Veronica was practicing the piano when suddenly there was a loud pounding on the front door. She opened it and found a breathless cop.

"What's the matter?!" she asked.

"Where's the body?!" demanded the officer.

"What are you talking about?"

"We just got a tip that some guy named Mozart was being butchered to pieces in this house."

3 votes

CATEGORY Musician Jokes
posted by "HENNE" |
2 votes

People are like drums...

They make noise when you hit them with sticks.

2 votes

CATEGORY Musician Jokes
posted by "danmug" |