musician jokes

Category: "Musician Jokes"
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A guy asks a music store owner what the difference is between a violin and a fiddle.

"Well," the store owner replied, "when I buy it it's a fiddle. When I sell it, it's a violin."

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CATEGORY Musician Jokes
posted by "Harmonica Harry" |
0 votes

Q: What do you get if you play New Age music backwards?

A: More New Age music!

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CATEGORY Musician Jokes
posted by "Harmonica Harry" |
0 votes

What did Justin Timberlake say after he was sunburned?

"Can't Stop the Peelin'!"

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CATEGORY Musician Jokes
posted by "Rosalita" |
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Q: What is a soprano's favorite drink growing up?

A: High-C!

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CATEGORY Musician Jokes
posted by "Nature_girl821" |