sport jokes

Category: "Sport Jokes"
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St. Peter and Satan were having an argument one day about baseball.

Satan proposed a game to be played on neutral grounds between a select team from the heavenly host and his own hand-picked boys.

"Very well," said the gatekeeper of Heaven. "But you realize, I hope, that we've got all the good players and the best coaches."

"I know, and that's all right," Satan answered. "We've got all the umpires."

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CATEGORY Sport Jokes
posted by "wadejagz" |
0 votes

Yo Momma is so skinny...

She's so skinny, that she uses a cheerio as a hula-hoop!

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CATEGORY Sport Jokes
posted by "julzee" |
0 votes

What food does Lebron James of the Cleveland Cavaliers refuse to eat during the NBA Playoffs?

Indian Food... he hates Curry.

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CATEGORY Sport Jokes
posted by "Jasienowicz" |
1 votes

John went with a bunch of friends on a camping trip for the weekend.

"How was the camping trip?" asked a co-worker a few days later.

John replied, "It was intense!"

1 votes

CATEGORY Sport Jokes
posted by "donna.d" |