work jokes

Category: "Work Jokes"
1 votes

I'm at my boss's funeral, kneeling and whispering at the coffin...

"Who's thinking outside the box now, Gary?"

1 votes

posted by "nerdasaurus" |
0 votes

To avoid straining your eyes at work, use the 30-30 rule.

After 30 minutes of work, quit your job and buy a 30 acre farm in the middle of nowhere.

0 votes

posted by "aod318" |
$12.00 won 1 votes

The boss is finally old enough to retire from the company. On his last day of work, he ordered a farewell party for himself. The boss wanted everyone to express their good feeling about him by writing on the farewell card, so later he could remember how his staff would "miss" him. Most people are writing standard phrases like, Without you, the company will never be the same... We will always remember you... etc.

Obviously the boss was not satisfied. "I need something from the bottom of your heart, something really touching, you know. Okay, John, you have been working with me for the last 20 years. You are my best staff. I am retiring now. What do you have to say?"

Slowly but firmly, John wrote, "The best news in 20 years!"

1 votes

posted by "merk" |
$8.00 won 2 votes

The CEO offered an employee a bonus of $10k or to double it and pass it on to the next employee.

The first employee elected to double and pass it on. The CEO thought what a generous individual this was and then moved on to the next employee.

The next employee also declined the (now) $20k bonus and elected to double and pass it on. “Wow,” thought the CEO, "even 20k is being passed on! What a sense of camaraderie on this team."

The next employee also chose to double and pass on. This continued for 6 more employees and the bonus offer now stood at over $2.5 million. In a panic, the CEO had to call his wealthy father to get a loan, otherwise his business will be bankrupted.

Meanwhile the nine employees were in the kitchen deciding how to evenly split $2.5 million.

2 votes

posted by "Leibel" |