Best Jokes

1 votes

A squad car driver was covering a quiet beat out in the sticks when he was amazed to find a former lieutenant on the police force covering the beat. He stopped the car and asked, "Why, Johnny, this wouldn't be your new beat out here in the sticks, would it?"

"That it is," Johnny replied grimly, "ever since I arrested the judge on his way to the masquerade ball."

"You mean you pinched his honor?" asked Pat.

"How was I to know that his convict suit was only a costume?" demanded Johnny.

"Well," mused Pat, "'tis life and there's a lesson in this somewhere."

"That there is," replied Johnny. "'Tis wise to never book a judge by his cover."

1 votes

CATEGORY Police Jokes
posted by "merk" |
1 votes

Son: "Dad! Dad! There is a monster under my bed!"

Dad: "Enjoy it while you can son, when you get married the monster sleeps in your bed."

1 votes

posted by "Dan the Man 009" |
1 votes

Where do you find giant snails?

On the ends of a giant's fingers.

1 votes

posted by "nerdasaurus" |
$10.00 won 1 votes

Fred, a waiter who had worked in a small restaurant for 53 years, passed away one night. His wife, Lois was heartbroken without him; she spent several days contacting psychics, channelers, anyone who could help her contact Fred, but unfortunately met without success.

One day, Lois' nephew came for a visit. She explained the situation to him, upon which he suggested the possibility that Fred's ghost might be haunting the restaurant. Becoming hopeful again, Lois waited until the restaurant had closed for the night, went in the back door and sat at a table. "Fred?" she called into the darkness. "Fred darling, are you here?"

A small voice called back, "Yes, dear."

Lois happily exclaimed, "Oh Fred, I've missed you so much! But can you speak a bit louder, please? I'm afraid I'm having trouble hearing you."

Fred replied, "I'm sorry, I can't."

Lois said, "Then could you come a bit closer, please?"

"Oh, I'm afraid I can't," Fred replied. "That's not my table."

1 votes

CATEGORY Family Jokes
posted by "Kathy Harrington" |