Best Jokes

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The minister was on the golf course when he heard a duffer, deep in a sand trap, let loose a stream of profanity. “I have often noticed,” chided the minister, “that the best golfers are not addicted to the use of foul language.”
“Of course not,” screamed the man. “What do they have to swear about?

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CATEGORY Sport Jokes
posted by "Anonymous" |
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A fisherman accidentally left his day’s catch under the seat of a bus. The next evening’s newspaper carried an ad: “If the person who left a bucket of fish on the No. 47 bus would care to come to the garage, he can have the bus.”

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CATEGORY Sport Jokes
posted by "Anonymous" |
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First golfer: “I have the greatest golf ball in the world. You can’t lose it.”

Second golfer: “How so?”

First golfer: “If you hit it into the sand, it beeps. You hit it into the water, it floats. If you want to play golf at night it glows.”

Second golfer: “Hey, sounds good. Where did you get it?”

First golfer: “I found it in the woods.”

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CATEGORY Sport Jokes
posted by "Anonymous" |
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Two would-be fishermen rented a boat, and one caught a large fish.
“We should mark the spot,” he said. The other man drew a large
X in the bottom of the boat with a black maker
“That’s no good,” said the first man. “Next time out we may not get the same boat.”

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CATEGORY Sport Jokes
posted by "Anonymous" |