Best Jokes

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A husband was having great difficulty getting along with his wife – nothing but arguing and friction – so he decided to consult a marriage counselor. After they had talked for a while, the counselor said, “I suggest that you run five miles each day for a week. Then please call me back.”
A week later the counselor received a call from the husband, “Well,” asked the counselor, “how are things going with you and your wife?
“How should I know?” said the husband. “I’m thirty-five miles away.”

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CATEGORY Marriage Jokes
posted by "Anonymous" |
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A few days before her birthday a husband asked his wife, “Dear, what would you like for your present?”
Wife: I really don’t think I should say.
Husband: How about a diamond ring?
Wife: I don’t care much for diamonds.
Husband: well, then, a mink coat?
Wife: You know I do not like furs.
Husband: A golden necklace?
Wife: I already have three of them.
Husband: Well, gosh, what do you want?
Wife: What I’d really like is a divorce
Husband: Hmmm, I wasn’t planning on spending that much

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CATEGORY Marriage Jokes
posted by "Anonymous" |
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Did you hear about the two radio antennae that got married?

The wedding was terrible, but the reception was excellent!

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posted by "Anonymous" |
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Q. What is a pig's favorite karate move?
A Pork chop.

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posted by "Samantha Duncan" |