Best Jokes

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A man went to the Department of Motor Vehicles to obtain a driver's license. On the form they gave him, one question asked if he'd like to be an organ donor. Not really thinking about it, he marked no. The next day, as his friends were looking over his license, one asked him why wasn’t he an organ donor. He simply replied, "I'd like to rest in peace, not in pieces!"

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posted by "Jacob Kleiner" |
0 votes

A small girl sat in front of the television watching a news program on teenage run away. "Mommy," she asked. "Why do people run away?" The mother thought for a moment about the numerous reasons that teens run and then proceeded to try and explain in a way that her young daughter would understand. After the first few moments of explanation the small girl interrupted. "No Mommy, why do people RUN away? Do they have to run or can they walk away too?"

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CATEGORY Family Jokes
posted by "Joanne" |
0 votes

Q. What do Fred Flintstone and Osama Bin Laden have in common?

A. They both look out their caves and see rubble.

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posted by "laura ventura" |
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Q: What do you call 144 blondes?
A: Gross ignorance.

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posted by "Rory Glasscock" |