Latest Jokes

1 votes

An Irish woman of advanced age visited her physician to ask for his help in reviving her husband’s libido.

“What about trying Viagra?” asks the doctor. “It really works.”

“Not a chance,” says she. “He won’t even take an aspirin.”

“No problem,” replied the doctor. “Give him an ‘Irish Viagra.’ It’s when you drop the Viagra tablet into his coffee. He won’t even taste it. Give it a try and call me in a week to let me know how things went.”

It wasn’t a week later that she called the doctor, who directly inquired as to progress. The poor dear exclaimed, “Oh, faith, T’was horrid! Just terrible, doctor!”

“Really? What happened?” he asked.

“Well, I did as you advised and slipped it in his coffee and the effect was almost immediate! He jumped straight up, with a twinkle in his eye, and with his pants a-bulging fiercely! With one swoop of his arm, he sent the cups and tablecloth flying, ripped me clothes to tatters and took me then and there, making wild, mad, passionate love to me on the tabletop! It was a nightmare, I tell you, an absolute nightmare!”

“I don’t understand,” said the doctor. “Do you mean the sex your husband provided wasn’t good”?

“Oh, no, no, no, doctor! The sex was fine indeed! ‘Twas the best sex I’ve had in 25 years! But sure as I’m sittin’ here, I’ll never be able to show me face in Starbucks again!”

1 votes

CATEGORY Marriage Jokes
posted by "Gaggs" |
$8.00 won 4 votes

A State Government Employee sits in his office and out of boredom, decides to see what's in his old filing cabinet. He pokes through the contents and comes across an old brass lamp. "This will look nice on my mantelpiece," he decides, and takes it home with him. While polishing the lamp, a genie appears and grants him three wishes.

"I wish for an ice cold beer right now!" He gets his beer and drinks it. Now that he can think more clearly, he states his second wish.

"I wish to be on an island where beautiful women reside." Suddenly he is on an island with gorgeous females eyeing him lustfully.

He tells the genie his third and last wish:

"I wish I'd never have to work ever again." POOF! He's back in his government office.

4 votes

CATEGORY Family Jokes
posted by "HENNE" |
0 votes

Little Johnny wanted to go to the zoo and pestered his parents for days. Finally his mother talked his reluctant father into taking him.

"So how was it?" His mother asked when they returned home.

"Great," Little Johnny replied.

"Did you and daddy have a good time?" Asked his mother.

"Yeah, daddy really liked it too," exclaimed Little Johnny, "especially when one of the animals came home at 30 to 1!"

0 votes

posted by "Foxie" |
0 votes

Q: What do you call Eskimo cows?

A: Eskimoos.

0 votes

posted by "Foxie" |