Latest Jokes

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A man walks into his local butcher's shop and complains about the leg of lamb that he had previously bought, when I cooked it the joint had shrunk so much it went from 12 inches long to only 4-inches. The butcher said to the man that’s funny my wife knitted me a sweater and when she washed it, it was also 4-inches in length, what’s your sweater got to do with my leg of lamb asked the man, the butcher replied well they both must have come from the same sheep.

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CATEGORY Animal Jokes
posted by "john scott" |
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Q. Where does a cat go when he loses his tail?
A. Retail store!

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posted by "Sara" |
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A man walked into a crowded restaurant and caught the eye of a harried waiter. “ You know,” he said, “it’s been 10 years since I came in here.”
“Don’t blame me,” the waiter snapped. “I’m working as fast as I can.”

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posted by "Anonymous" |
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While eating in an expensive restaurant, a patron overhead the gentleman at the next table ask the waitress t pack the leftovers for their dog. It was then that his young son exclaimed loudly, “Whoopee! We’re going to get a dog.”

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posted by "Anonymous" |