Latest Jokes

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When you call a dog, they usually come to you.

When you call a cat, they take a message.

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CATEGORY Animal Jokes
posted by "Mike Ingo" |
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Little Jimmy's mother was serving prunes for dessert, but little Jimmy didn't like prunes one little bit! He grumbled and complained and absolutely refused to eat them. Mother was very cross and told Jimmy that God would be very angry if he didn't eat his prunes. Still he wouldn't eat them, so in desperation, mother sent him to his room. Later in the evening a fierce thunderstorm blew up. There was much thunder and lightning. Feeling somewhat sorry for little Jimmy and thinking that he might be afraid of the storm, mother went up to his room. When she opened the door, Jimmy was kneeling looking out the window. Mother heard him say, "Gee whiz, God, all this just for two measly prunes?"

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posted by "Laurel Watt" |
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Q. What did the fog say to the light rain after her vacation?
A. I mist you.

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posted by "r2d2" |
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Q:What goes up but never comes down?
A:Your age.

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posted by "r2d2" |