Latest Jokes

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Q:Why did the football coach go to the bank?

A:He wanted to get his quarter-back!!!

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CATEGORY Sport Jokes
posted by "Katie Barkman" |
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Bob goes with his friend, a comedian, to a comedian's meeting. When they get there, one of the men stands up and shouts out "34!” and all the other comedians laugh hysterically. Bob turns to his friend and says "I don't get what was so funny!” and his friend explains to him that the Comedians' Guild has assigned each joke a number to make them easier to tell.
All through dinner, the members of the Guild stand up and say numbers, and every time, everyone laughs, so Bob decides to give it a try. He stands up, and shouts out his favorite number: "54!" Dead silence.
Bob turns to his friend and asks "What did I do wrong? When ever you do it, they laugh!" And his friend answered, "You didn't tell it well."

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posted by "Jeeves" |
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Confucius say: Man who want pretty nurse, must be patient.

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posted by "Anonymous" |
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One day a math teacher and his brother were out golfing. The brother was to tee off first and just before he swung he yelled "4!!!”

The math teacher was up next and just before he swung he yelled, "Square root of 64 divided by two!!!"

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posted by "Anonymous" |