Latest Jokes

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The villager on his first trip to the city was waiting at a bus stop one morning. After some hesitation he asked a woman. “Which bus should I take to Mahim?”
“Bus Number 177,” the woman replied, and caught the next bus.
The same evening, the woman got off a bus at the same stop and found the villager still waiting. “Didn’t you get the bus to Mahim?” she exclaimed.
“Not yet,” he said wearily. “So far 168 buses have come and gone – eight more before mine arrives."

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posted by "Anonymous" |
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Heading into the jungle on his first safari, the American visitor was confident he could handle any emergency. He sidled up to the experienced native guide and said smugly. “I know that carrying a torch will keep lions away.” “True,” the guide replied. “But it depends on how fast you carry the torch

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posted by "Anonymous" |
2 votes

From a passenger ship one can see a bearded man on a small island who is shouting and desperately waving is hands.

"Who is it?" a passenger asks the captain.

"I have no idea. Every year when we pass, he goes mad like that."

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posted by "Anonymous" |
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An American couple visiting in a German village stepped into a small shop to look for souvenirs. The woman sneezed.
"Gesundheit" said the clerk.
"Charles," said the American woman to her husband, "we're in luck. There's somebody here who speaks English."

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CATEGORY Marriage Jokes
posted by "Anonymous" |