Past Winners

1/14/2016 To 1/21/2016
$15.00 won 6 votes

A policeman pulled over a car, walked up to the driver’s window, and asked the man if he knew why he was pulled over. “No,” the man replied.

“You failed to stop at the stop sign,” the cop explained.

"But I did slow down!” the guy argued.

The cop shook his head. “You are required to stop. That’s why they’re called stop signs.”

The man started to get belligerent. “Stop, slow down – what’s the difference?”

The cop pulled out his baton. “I can show you. I’m going to start hitting you with my baton. You tell me if you want me to stop or slow down.

6 votes

CATEGORY Police Jokes
posted by "virgogal" |
1/14/2016 To 1/21/2016
$12.00 won 6 votes

After having failed his exam in Logistics and Organization, a student goes and confronts his lecturer about it.

Student, “Sir, do you really understand anything about the subject?”

Professor, “Surely I must. Otherwise I would not be a professor!”

Student, “Great, well then I would like to ask you a question. If you can give me the correct answer, I will accept my mark as is and go. If you however do not know the answer, I want you give me an ‘A’ for the exam.”

Professor, “Okay, it’s a deal. So what is the question?”

Student: “What is legal, but not logical, logical, but not legal, and neither logical, nor legal?”

Even after some long and hard consideration, the professor cannot give the student an answer, and therefore changes his exam mark into an ‘A’, as agreed.

Afterwards, the professor calls on his best student and asks him the same question.

He immediately answers, “Sir, you are 63 years old and married to a 35 year old woman, which is legal, but not logical. Your wife has a 25 year old lover, which is logical, but not legal. The fact that you have given your wife’s lover an ‘A’, although he really should have failed, is neither legal, nor logical.

6 votes

CATEGORY School Jokes
posted by "virgogal" |
1/14/2016 To 1/21/2016
$10.00 won 5 votes

A young man was sitting in his office on the thirteenth floor, when someone came by and shouted: “Laloo, your daughter Sweety is badly injured in accident!"

Not knowing what to do, the young man jumped out of his office window in a panic.

While coming down when he was at tenth floor, he remembered he had no daughter named Sweety.

When he was near the fifth floor he remembered he was not married.

When he was about to hit the ground he remembered he was not Laloo.

5 votes

CATEGORY Office Jokes
posted by "virgogal" |
1/14/2016 To 1/21/2016
$9.00 won 4 votes

One night, Tim was walking home when, all of a sudden, a thief jumped on him.

Tim and the thief got tangle up and began to wrestle. They rolled about on the ground and Tim put up a tremendous fight. However, the thief managed to get the better of him and pinned him to the ground.

The thief then went through Tim's pockets and searched him. All the thief could find on Tim was 25 cents.

The thief was so surprised at this that he asked Tim why he had bothered to fight so hard for 25 cents.

"Was that all you wanted?" Tim replied, "I thought you were after the five hundred dollars I've got in my shoe!"

4 votes

CATEGORY Dumb Criminals
posted by "HENNE" |