kid jokes

Category: "Kid Jokes"
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A man selling carpet called a home and a little boy with a whisper answered the phone the man introduced himself to the child and asked if he could speak to his father the little boy said, "no" the man asked why not? The little boy exclaimed, " He’s busy" so the man asked to speak with his mother, the little boy said, "no" the man asked why not? The little boy said, “She's busy” so the man asked if there were any other grown ups in the house. The little boy said, “ yes a policeman and a fireman” the man asked to speak to the policeman the little boy said, “no” He’s busy so the man asked to speak to the fireman and the little boy said, “no” He’s busy so the man puzzled said, there are four grownups in your house and they are all busy, do you mind if I ask what are they doing? The little boy still in a whisper says " yah they are looking for me"

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posted by "alondra" |
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Mother had just finished waxing the floors when she heard her young son opening the front door. She shouted, “Be careful on that floor, Jimmy; it’s just been waxed.”
Jimmy, walking right in, replied, “Don’t worry, Mom, I’m wearing my cleats.”

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posted by "Anonymous" |
1 votes

"I thought I told you to keep an eye on your cousin," the mother said. "Where is he?"

"Well," her son replied thoughtfully, "if he knows as much about canoeing as he thinks he does, he's out canoeing. If he knows as little as I think he does, he's out swimming."

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posted by "Daniel Martindale" |
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Explaining the population explosion of the world a teacher was elaborating
"Suppose all world population are walking and jumping off the globe.
The line will still be endless"
A student appeared confused and the teacher clarified " You see as and when a person jumps off another will be born and the line will continue for ever"
Still the young student wore the bewildered look "What is the doubt" the teacher asked. You said, "You said, they were all walking, teacher"

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posted by "RRamachandra Rao" |