kid jokes

Category: "Kid Jokes"
1 votes

Some preteens were hanging out near the entrance to the local hardware store.
"Let's do something dangerous," said Billy.

"Like what?" asked Joey.

"See all those brooms hanging up in the window?" answered Billy. "I dare one of you to take one of those and run out of the store."

Freddy replied, "What would that prove, Billy?"

"How brave we are. It'll be just for fun. And we'll return it right away and apologize."

"Then why don't you do it? Just go in there and grab one of those short brooms," said Joey.

"Aw, I was just kidding, guys," replied Billy. "I'm not a whisk taker!"

1 votes

posted by "Alan Valentine" |
1 votes

Daughter: "Mommy, where did I come from?"

Mom: "Sweetheart, you came out from Mommy's body."

Daughter: "How exactly?"

Mom: "Well, your head came out first, then your arms, followed by your legs."

Daughter: (thinking about what she just heard) "How did you assemble them?"

1 votes

posted by "Marcus" |
$15.00 won 6 votes

My sister explained to my nephew how his voice would eventually change as he grew up.

Tyler was exuberant at the prospect.

"Cool!" he said. "I hope I get a German accent."

6 votes

posted by "stee" |
$12.00 won 4 votes

At my ten-year-old’s request, I loaded my Rolling Stones tunes onto his iPod.

"I had no idea you liked the Stones," I said.

"Sure. I like all that old-fashioned music," he said.

"What do you mean, ‘old-fashioned music’?"

"You know," he said defensively. "Music from the 1900's."

4 votes

posted by "srg" |