kid jokes

Category: "Kid Jokes"
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At a Catholic school, there was a "meet the teacher" open house for the 2nd graders. After the meeting, a Nun announced that there would be a small reception afterwards in the cafeteria. All the children and parents filed in, and saw on a table a plate of apples, a plate of cookies, and some water bottles and juice. As the children went through the line, one boy saw that there was a sign on the plate of apples that said, "Take only one. God is watching." So, the boy took an apple and moved on to the cookies. He helped himself, and then took a small piece of paper, and wrote: "Take all you want”. God is watching the apples."

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posted by "Anonymous" |
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At a Sunday school class the teacher asked a child; do you pray to God before lunch or dinner?
The child said, “No ma'am, my moms a good cook!”

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posted by "kaustubh" |
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Q: Why did the goose cross the road?
A: Because the chicken was on vacation

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posted by "lizett" |
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One day two little boys were arguing about religion. The one boy said Protestants are better than Catholics. The other boy said Catholics were better than Protestants. The one Protestant boy said, "Oh Yeah. I bet you don't even know the lord's middle name". The Catholic boy says, "The Lord doesn't have a middle name". "Oh yes he does" said the Protestant boy. The Catholic says, "Ok what is it"? The little Protestant boy says, "That's easy". Haven't you ever said the Lord's Prayer where it says, "Our father who art in heaven, Howard be thy name."

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posted by "Donna Wells" |