Best Jokes

1 votes

A couple is arguing about who should make the coffee in the morning. The wife says, “I think your should do it because you get up first.”
He counters with, “The kitchen is your domain, and you do all the cooking so you know where everything is. I think you should make the coffee.” “No way,” she says. “You should do it. The Bible even says so.” “What the heck are you talking about?” She grabs the family Bible, thumbs through, and point to the appropriate section: “Hebrews”

1 votes

posted by "Anonymous" |
1 votes

If at first you don't succeed,sky-diving is not for you!

1 votes

posted by "Frank C. Militello" |
1 votes

I think my smartphone is broken. I keep pressing the Home button, but I'm still working.

1 votes

posted by "C.J. Posley" |
1 votes

On a visit to Chicago, a woman was eager to visit a posh department store a few blocks from her hotel. Her husband agreeably hailed a cab. “The lady wants to go to Neiman Marcus,” he told the driver.
The cabby looked over his shoulder at them. “And the gentleman?” he asked. “Does he want to go to the bank?”

1 votes

posted by "Anonymous" |