Best Jokes

1 votes

Not everyone enjoys singing ensembles...

It's an 'a-choir-ed' taste.

1 votes

posted by "Funny Joe" |
1 votes

John went with a bunch of friends on a camping trip for the weekend.

"How was the camping trip?" asked a co-worker a few days later.

John replied, "It was intense!"

1 votes

CATEGORY Sport Jokes
posted by "donna.d" |
1 votes

I used to work in a superstore. One day a sparrow flew in and perched itself by the ceiling. Management wondered how to catch it.

I suggested that we keep a computer terminal unoccupied.

"You can catch it when it stops by to tweet."

1 votes

1 votes

Question: Before showering, should one take off their shirt first or their pants (or lower-half garments) first?

Answer: One should close the door first!

1 votes

posted by "Yin Hong" |