Best Jokes

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A woman goes to the doctor for her yearly physical. The nurse starts with certain basic items. "How much do you weigh?" she asks.

"120," the woman says. The nurse puts her on the scale. It turns out her weight is 150.

The nurse asks, "Your height?"

"5 feet, 8 inches," she says. The nurse checks and sees that she measures only 5 feet, 5 inches.

She then takes her blood pressure and tells the woman it is very high.

"Of course it's high!" she screams. "When I came in here, I was tall and slender, and now I'm short and fat!"

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CATEGORY Doctor Jokes
posted by "Harry Finkelstein" |
0 votes

The lion married off a child. Being the king of the jungle, he invited all the animals for the wedding.

On the very special night, a mouse walks up the lion and says, "Congratulations brother!"

The lion looks at the mouse and says, "Thanks, but since when am I your brother?"

The mouse replied, "Well, I was once a lion too, then I got married."

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CATEGORY Animal Jokes
posted by "Badchen" |
0 votes

They had been up in the attic together doing some cleaning. The kids uncovered an old manual typewriter and asked, "Hey Mom, what's this?"

"Oh, that's an old typewriter," she answered, thinking that would satisfy their curiosity.

"Well what does it do?" they asked.

"I'll show you," she said and returned with a blank piece of paper. She rolled the paper into the typewriter and began striking the keys, leaving black letters of print on the page.

"WOW!" they exclaimed, "That's really cool.! But how does it work like that? Where do you plug it in?"

"There is no plug," she answered. "It doesn't need a plug."

"Then where do you put the batteries?" they persisted.

"It doesn't need batteries either." she continued.

"Wow! This is so cool!" they exclaimed. "Someone should have invented this a long time ago!"

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posted by "wadejagz" |
0 votes

Every time someone comes up with a foolproof solution, along comes a more-talented fool!

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posted by "wadejagz" |