Latest Jokes

1 votes

One man says to another man, "I nicknamed my wife after a flower. I call her 'Rose."

Second man says, "I nicknamed my wife after a flower also! I call her snapdragon!"

1 votes

CATEGORY Family Jokes
posted by "James W. Rury" |
0 votes

A young blonde goes to the doctor and says I hurt all over. The doctor says point to where you hurt.

She points to her elbow and says "OW!"

Then points to her head and says "OW" and then finally points to her leg and says "OW!"

The doctor says I have it figured out you have a broken finger.

0 votes

CATEGORY Doctor Jokes
posted by "jim larkin" |
0 votes

My Toy Pomeranian got ate by my grumpy old cat. I hated it and I loved the little guy!

A few days later the cat coughed the little hairball up!

Hey, he lost a few pounds and looks pretty good!

0 votes

CATEGORY Animal Jokes
posted by "Torymon" |
1 votes

Sometimes I like to tuck my knees to my chest and lean forward.

That's just how I roll.

1 votes

posted by "HarleyQuinnKidder" |